My plans are becoming something bigger than anyone thought I
could be. I want to be the fashion designer that everyone wants their hands on,
I don’t want just the money but the satisfaction that I accomplished something
amazing. I want little girls to look up to me, and know that a small town girl
like myself can get out and become something. Everyday I’m becoming one step
closer to becoming someone even bigger. My future I just want to better my
career, making different unique things. I want to stand out from all designers
in today’s day. I want to be another Coco Channel, the better perishing Coco
that learned from her mistakes. When I see myself in the future is never
retiring, I want to take fashion and revolve it. I don’t want to stay away from
my passion, I want to live it! I see myself traveling, and joining other
fashion designers that enjoy doing what I do. I want to own my own business,
end up so big that it travel not just throughout America, but make it to other countries
as well. I think that I do have some big dreams, and all I can say is I’m
living my dreams day by day. I’m becoming one step closer to becoming something
new, and everyday I’ve got to living doing my passion is a good day. Keep thinking
to myself be what would I have done if I was not here? Honestly I would be depressed
working a job I hated from 9-5. I also think how lucky I was that I keep going at
my dreams, never satisfied with the buzz I get off of life when I’m enjoying my
field. Many people keep asking what about kids, a family, or even wanting to
retire and travel.
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