Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Week 3

a.       Note that the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) sponsors the site. Why do you believe they would do so?

It’s a good way to advertise, and also be able to gather up cases as in the field they are in. They are able to take something they know and help out others that have this problem. By having them on that website, no one’s going to call anyone else if the information is already there.

b. What specific resources are available on this site? List at least three such resources.

Grassroots, nominee, and the NELA are all resources. They all provide information, and help towards getting the right treatment.

b.      What are some specific work-related issues you feel would compel an employee to seek out the type of information found on a site such as this one? How can hospitality manager’s best address these issues?

The managers are being unfair, they are not taking some things into consideration. They are cutting down hours, treating the employee with any respect, and not doing their job right. Which can mean many things, like pregnancy, and gender discribination. Cutting ones hours, because of the fact they were not what you thought you had. Many managers do this, its hard to work around things like those instead of just not working you.

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